Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged...

Oh well.. here's My Little Princess.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can't Keep up!

Happy 19 months to Maddie! I started this post over a month ago for 18 months, but have gotten behind!
So, hence my title, Can't keep up! But, I also meant it as I can't keep up with Maddie either! She is everywhere and into everything! But, that's ok, she's growing up and figuring a lot of things out on her own!

So, here we go, some updates on my little princess:
Maddie, you are wearing size 2T pants, and a lot of 3T tops.
You are in size 7-8 shoes.
You are wearing size 6 diapers.
You are loving Mickey Mouse, Veggie Tales and Full House.
You LOVE to eat! You ate 3/4 of a muffin this morning AND oatmeal! You love your oatmeal!
Some of your favorite foods right now: any kind of fruit, carrots, peas, cheesesticks, yogurt, cottage cheese (a new favorite), hot dogs and now corn dogs, any kind of pasta, bread and pretty much anything else... my list would be shorter if i put what you DIDN"T like!
She just recently has learned to open the freezer door(side by side) and ask for "ice cream" cause you can see it. I need to move it down to the other freezer...

anyways...there are many new words that you are saying too--I think only me and daddy can understand, but still, you are trying to say more and more! Your new favorite: "ights" (lights) you LOVE Christmas lights-- you asked to turn our tree on at 7am this morning! we love to drive around and show you the lights.

You have showed all the signs for potty training, so we pulled out the chair, and got the pull ups, but... now, you have to learn to sit on the potty without your pants and not scream when we put the pull up on! Guess we're not completely ready for the big potty yet afterall, but it's a start!

You are finally wanting to be part of the "action" when we go to people's houses and go play with the other kids. It takes you a while to warm up, but after about 15 min, you are ready to go play!

You have finally moved up to the toddler room at church and will cry for 10 min after we leave, but then really enjoy it, instead of crying the whole 45 min in the nursery room.

Your hair is getting long and you will let me put a clip in it, only if we are going outside and i put your hat over it, so you forget it's there. You have a little spot of hair on the top of your head that won't stay down that drives mommy nuts!

You love to play with my utensils and pots and pans. Last night, I was making dinner and turned and you had opened the bottom drawer of the stove and were sitting in it! If it was big enough, you would be in my cabinets too!

You are my little explorer and climber!
Most of all, you love to give kisses and hugs and cuddle and say i love you, (which still sounds like "i know"- so cute and sweet)

We look forward to Christmas with you and look forward to the upcoming months as you get closer to turning 2!!(eekkkk...where did the time go?!?!)

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Maddie…17 Months…

Wow- can’t believe she is 17 months! One month closer to a year and a half! What a fun age! That’s all I can say! I’m not good at journaling or tracking her milestones, but I need to start somewhere!

Here are a few things that Maddie has been up to:

She “talks” all the time now; when we are in the store, she yells “HI” to everyone at the top of her lungs until someone answers her, then she is shy. But will start it right up again.

I was curious the other day about how many words she knew—I lost track after 20. Her favorite words:

HI, Bye bye (ta ta), love you (a na- not sure how she got that from love you, but it sounds like “I know” but her version of I love you-so cute), More, momma, daddy, da-da, mommy, Elmo, cheese, NO, ni, ni (nite-nite), Poo, Teevee (TV), UP. Her other favorite word right now is “yleck!” for “Yuck”- she knows what it means and how to use it too! I know there’s more, but can’t think of them!

She loves the Mickey Mouse clubhouse, Full house, anything that has music- she will always stop what she is doing if some music comes on.

She really gets in the “zone” when she watches Mickey Mouse or Full House—We try to limit how much she watches- she watches it in the mornings, since Mickey is usually on, and she needs some time to wake up. She also watches it in the evening, usually when I am trying to get dinner going. She’s a momma’s girl in the evenings, and wants to be “up”.

She is wearing a size 5 diaper in huggies; about to go to a size 6 in Pampers though. I like huggies, my hubby likes pampers or he actually doesn’t care, but we always get coupons for Pampers, so we buy them…

We are just realizing she is pretty much in a size 7 toddler shoe (yes, you read that right!) She’s going to have big feet like daddy! I’m already having a hard time finding size 7’s!

She is wearing size 2T & 3T and some 4T tops. For sweatshirts, it’s 4T’s so we can layer them. For pants, she is mostly in 24 month, but some 18 month.

She won’t have her 18 month check up til mid November, but she was 27lbs, 33” at her 15 month checkup. She’s not chubby, but she is just taller.

Last I saw, she had 12 teeth—4 front, 4 bottom, and 4 molars.. I think she is working on another one, but it’s hard to tell.

I’m amazed at how much she understands. You ask her to do something or bring something, she will do it. Ask her where the remote is, and she will look and bring it to you. When she sneezes, usually she will bring a Kleenex to you or she will bring you one if you ask.

She really is going thru the anxiety withdrawals when I leave her with someone she doesn’t know, or even if someone just talks to her. I haven’t been able to leave her in nursery at church, cause the helpers haven’t been consistent lately, so once she gets to know someone, it’s time for someone else! Plus, our nursery room is really small at church, so she doesn’t even want to go in the room… I think I will try her in the toddler room this Sunday… we’ll see how that goes…

She loves helping daddy clean, vacuum, do laundry, and now has figured out, that she can bring her little chair or stool next to the sink and “help” with dishes. So cute.

When we brush her teeth, she will go get her Elmo stool and bring it to the bathroom.

She really is the joy of our lives and is so fun to be around. We look forward to seeing what the next few months and years bring to our family…


Friday, September 17, 2010

Summer Coming to an End...

Hard to believe that summer is almost over and fall is almost here! Maddie is really going to miss the park once it gets cold, but I think we will be making trips there until the snow comes...maybe even with the snow! She loves the park! Her favorite thing is the rocks and swing... well, she loves it all!
Happy Friday!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

16 Months...

My princess is growing up! Hard to believe she is 16 months today!

We are coming more and more into the "terrible pre-twos"! I hate to say that, because she is a great kid. But, she is definitly strong willed and testing limits lately.

I can't wait til she starts saying sentences and we can fully communicate. She is saying so many new words lately; it's neat to hear her talk and understand her!

On a bright side (hopefully), we start new childcare this week. My aunt's schedule finally got too crazy and we have been pushed to our limits with her opinions lately, and plus I won't have to drive the 20 min out of my way on back roads during the winter.
Our pastor's wife has actually agreed to take care of her starting this week. I pray all works out, because I am honored to have her take care of Maddie and have her in a Christian atmosphere. With my husband's work schedule, we only need childcare for 2-3 days out of the week, depending on the week. So, hopefully it will work out.

Well, the holiday weekend is almost over... One more day off...